With the approval of this registration, the Committee has moved actively to achieve its goal of its establishment. For the service of Y.Bhg Dato 'Haji Harun Idris and his wife, Y.Bhg Datin Salmah Suleiman, the Selangor State Government has granted a piece of land in Mukim Hulu Kelang (HS.231) with a total area of 4.8 acres according to the PHT.G.2 / 139 / 75. To determine this project can be successfully implemented Y.Bhg. Dato 'Haji Harun Idris was appointed as the Chairman of this Organization.
"Do you know the one who belied religion, the one who scorned orphans."
Islam also prevents it from consuming the wealth of orphans in a cruel way
(An-Nisa verse 6)
Loving and caring for orphans is a social obligation of every Muslim. And it is one of the rare struggles of the Islamic struggle. Thus, social problems arise for four reasons, not to honor the orphans, not to feed the poor, to consume the riches of nature with greed, and to love the excesses of property
(Al-Fajr, verses 15-20)